An update on the progress of my book. I am totally pleased with things. I hope to be finished with the written portion within the next two weeks. Of course there will be editing, maybe a few changes, followed by uploading to lulu.com for publish. My advice to anyone would be that if you are not serious about this endeavor, do not start such a trip. It takes much work, dedication, thought, forbearance and the ability to be flexible with outside interruptions.
It also takes being a great writer with an almost analytical attention to detail. I have read some of your work Sandy, and it is EXCELLENT.. You take the reader with you through the pages of your book..I can't wait to see this project of yours in print. I am so proud to be considered a friend..
Love ya Girl...
Hi Sandy, Great blog you have here! Keep up the good work!
Misty Veil, you can charm the bees away from their honey cone. I am more than proud to have you on board...I love you too girl.. You go!!!!
Thank you so much Tumbleweed, I appreciate your stopping by.....
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